Welcome to Olygeek!

If you are trying to save money the new state law allows you can take e-waste to a number of places for free. However, their process will be to 'grind' them up for the recycling only. OlyGeek charges a small fee, to help us make rent, but we try our best to reuse the donations. We give free working computers to non-profits and to folks who volunteer with us. We also have very inexpensive computers and parts for sale. We are an all volunteer organization that tries to make rent with donations, retail sales, and money we get from the metals we do recycle.


1pm to 7pm on Mondays (sometimes, call ahead)

1pm to 7pm on Tuesdays (guaranteed)

1pm to 7pm on Wednesdays (sometimes, call ahead)

1pm to 7pm on Thursdays (guaranteed)

1pm to 7pm on Fridays (sometimes, call ahead)

1pm to 7pm on Saturdays (guaranteed)

1pm to 4pm on Sundays (guaranteed)